Twitter sucks

· river's blog

it's the reason why my hosts file is 80mb

# Twitter sucks!

I've been on Twitter since 2018 (or '19), and during my short 3-4 years on it I've learned a lot. That it's an absolute hellhole of a platform.

Before the infamous manchild acquisition, it was already bad, and I left the platform with no regrets whatsoever. My only "positive" memory I have of the platform is myself and 3 other people starting a war with "animesexuals". Looking back it was really dumb, considering a reaction is all they wanted from us.

Since then, I learned a lot - I didn't get any new friends and nowadays people even remotely mentioning Twitter makes my brain tingle, in a bad way. I've had about 60 followers and I don't think I interacted with any of them, besides 2, which were my irl friends, which doesn't really count in my opinion.

I deleted my Twitter account at the end of December '22, and blocked any Twitter domains in my /etc/hosts file, I'm not looking forward to reversing my decision, ever.

Around a year ago, just as Twitter was seemingly collapsing, a """new""" platform emerged, Mastodon. While the concept of a decentralized platform wasn't new, it was new to me. I signed up immediately, and didn't know what to do, and deleted my account the next week. Much later, I joined a Vencord discord server, and while my presence doesn't really matter there, I observed how many people were on fedi, and some people I saw on Twitter before were there too. I liked the idea of a bunch of friends' own social media.

And so, today, I "re"created my fedi account. It's available on my main page as well, but here's the link too. Hopefully this time it'll be a smoother experience. I don't plan to post much, probably just as much as I update this webbed site. But I (hope that I) won't post into the void anymore.