Moving to and Markdown

· river's blog

as well as uppercase


In an entire day, I moved all of my blogs to I'm not going to lie, but I haven't been yearning for this change for a while, maybe 2 days at most. I found it on another website and the next thing I knew I loved it and wanted to put all of my blogs on here.

There are some advantages to hosting all my blogs on here as opposed to on my website:

# No insane css doohickery.

Obviously, I had to mess with css a little bit - but only for changing colors and nothing else. I didn't have to change any of the default settings, it already looks so nice, much better than my website looks like at the moment. On top of that, it's actually mobile friendly!

# I heart Markdown.

I use Markdown almost every day, it's on Github, discord - practically everywhere. I didn't have to indulge into documentation to find out how to make stuff prettier - most of the things I already knew how to do. It's also much easier than html... for blogs at least.

Instead of summoning a demon with

1<strong>some word</strong>

I get to put asterisks around everything I want. I prefer that opposed to html. Instead of putting everything in <p>'s, I get to write more or less normally, in that way it's also more readable in raw format.

Also check out the footers! If I happen to write an absurdly long article, I can just link people to what's actually relevant! Wie cool ist das bitte!!!

# RSS.

I don't use it, I don't think any of my friends online use it, but it's a need addition nonetheless.

# Uppercase, or "normal-personcase"

As a side effect of moving to prose, I also converted all of my existing blogs to use uppercase. No particular reason to do that, maybe it has something to do with aesthetics and looking nicer and professional. Increases readability I guess.

# is now defunct

Since I'm no longer hosting my writings on my website, I have even more time to focus on making the page look nicer. I'm still looking at various examples in order to inspire myself to create something spectacular, though, I'm planning to keep it simple - not "It works!" kind of simple.